Thursday, May 10, 2012

Is Homosexuality Acceptable In The Church???

So as of an interview yesterday, May 9th 2012, President of the United States of America Barack Obama stated that he believes that Gay Marriage should be allowed.  Now I'm not hitting at politics at all but when that news came out, a local news station in my home town of Atlanta decided to ask a few pastors in and around the area of Atlanta, specifically in Stone Mountain and Norcross, about the issue of Gay Marriage.  One of those pastors stated that he believed that it was acceptable and the other one said that he was against it.  So what is your stance on the issue???  Are you for it or against it???  I'll tell you what my stance is; but I want to point this out.  IN NO WAY AM I BEING HATEFUL OR DISCRIMINATORY IN MY ANSWER!!!

I am against homosexuality; but I would never go around and utterly judge or condemn someone for being a homosexual because I have no position to tell someone that and I believe that whoever we talk to, we should do it out of love because the Bible commands us to love our neighbors and love our enemies, even if they get annoying or they're just a bad person.  Now I have Biblical evidence to prove my stance.  Let's look shall we???

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 NLT:
"9 Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people --none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.  11 Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

Now in verse 9, doesn't the Bible say that "...nor people who practice homosexuality...none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God"??? Yes it does.  It also talks about other sins and groups of people in verses 9-10.

So yes, there Paul writing, under the divine power of God, states that homosexuality, along with other sins like sexual sins, people who worship idols, adulterers, male prostitutes, thieves, alcoholics or drunks, greedy people, people who are abusive and cheat people, will not inherit the Kingdom of God because of their sinful decisions and actions.  That's what the Bible says.  So to answer the homosexuality acceptable in the Church??? The answer is NO...not YES; NO.  And may I just say that any pastor or preacher, minister, reverend, bishop or whatever it is that you call your clergy, that say that homosexuality, bisexuality or anything of the such are okay, they may want to check these verses above out and they might want to study up on them, especially if that pastor or preacher is a homosexual themselves.

But if that or any of these things that have been listed here are something that is a part of your life and you wanna get your life right right now, read verse 11...we've all been there, not specifically homosexuality for me, but some of these sins listed and I've been saved since April 13th of 2008 and when I prayed and gave my life to Christ, He cleansed me from all unrighteousness and saved my lost desperate depraved soul.  And guess what...He can do that for you too!!!  If you're battling anything like these things or something else, you can get that right tonight.  Pray and ask God to save you and forgive you of your sins and give your life to Him in complete surrender...all prayer is is a conversation between you and God like if you had a conversation with your Mom or Dad.  I pray you get your heart right right now...don't waste anymore time because you ain't got a lot of time left because time's running out...don't hesitate to wait.

Love yall and God Bless

Check out my other blogs and other posts and even my next posts and a future blog about what's going on in my world and my life.  Thanks :)