Sunday, April 22, 2012

This Is Real

Personally, I've had this one burden on my heart lately...people are not saved and they don't want to be and since they don't want to be saved, they dis the Church and the followers of Christ.  I want to take a few moments and share with you 3 statements people have made to me concerning this topic of discussion and then discuss it a little bit.

1) "Well Jesus and Christianity is a joke."
2) "All Christians are hypocrites; they don't ever practice what they preach."
3) "God doesn't exist and there's no evidence of His existence and that He created anything."

And there are many more that I could list but I won't; but these 3 statements that people in the community I live in and the school I go to have told me to my face.  Let me share with you what's going on in my mind when I hear these statements.

I wanted to tell these individuals that they've lost their freckin minds.  And how dare they say that the Savior of the World is a joke.  I wanted to tell them that; but I didn't because I knew that I had a job to do.

Let me tell you something, THIS LIFE IS NOT A JOKE!!! Once you die, you don't get a second chance to correct the mistakes you made in your life.  You get one shot at this.  And you know I wonder about if the person who made the 1st statement would still think that Jesus is a joke when he stands in front of the Judgement Seat of Christ one day after he dies or after Jesus comes back and Jesus tells them to depart from Him because He doesn't know Him as Lord and Savior.  Can't say I didn't warn him before hand.  There is no excuse for any of us to not share the Gospel with people.  We are commanded by Jesus Christ to share the Gospel with others and make disciples of every nation in the Great Commission (Matthew 28).  So we have no excuse for not sharing the Gospel; but people have no excuse for not knowing Jesus.  Now I know what you're thinking and I'll explain it.

The question that now comes up is "what about the people in the Amazon or in Africa or on the Pacific Islands who have never heard the Gospel???" The Bible talks about how God reveals Himself in his creation.  So God reveals Himself in nature, animals, humans, universe, etc. So they have no excuse for not knowing who God is; but it's also our responsibility to go and share the Gospel with people who have never heard it before or are just flat out rejecting it.  Now for those of you who believe in the Big Bang or Darwinian Evolution,  you wouldn't agree with the fact that God reveals himself in his creation because God didn't create the universe and everything around us is evolving.  Well let me just encourage you to look at my last post on this blog about Laminin.  God revealed Himself and His plan for us in the shape of Laminin.  If you believe that God didn't create the universe, then you show me sufficient evidence that proves that I'm  wrong.  If you believe in the Big Bang Theory, and I'm not talking about the show, then in order for that to have occurred, there would have had to been an intelligent designer of the subatomic particles that supposedly created the Big Bang.  I have an example; check this out.

The Earth is tilted at 23.44 degrees toward the sun.  It's proven scientifically that if the Earth shifted just the slightest bit away from the sun that we would freeze to death; and that if the Earth was shifted just by the slightest bit toward the sun that we would burn up.  There's no way that some Big Bang could have made that happen.

Lastly, not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is one.  There are some hypocrites in the congregation.      Let me tell you this as an encouragement, not a criticism; "don't judge a person by other's actions."  Don't put a label on an entire group of people just because one person isn't living right.  I mean people call the true believers in Christ "religious" when the fact of the matter is that the actual hypocrites of the Church are the religious one's.  Christianity is not a religion, it's a one-on-one relationship between you and God made possible by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is not a joke.  The Church is not a joke.  God is real.  True Christians aren't hypocrites; we're outcasts and standouts in the sea of unbelievers.  I'm praying that God would rise up some people my age and older and younger to stand up and say "I'm Not Ashamed of Jesus Christ and I'm Not Ashamed of The Gospel."  I hope I won't stand alone on this.

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What's up it's Bubba Fain.  Hey check this out.  I'm about to go all scientific on you for a second (which is not my subject at all) but this is cool.

Does anybody have an idea of what Laminin is???

Trust me, I didn't know either, until I watched this YouTube clip of Louie Giglio, Pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, Ga and founder of the Passion Conference. This video clip was about evidence that supports the notion, and the realization and truth, that God exists.  I know some of you may believe in the big-bang theory or evolution or some other scientifical thing and that's cool and all but check this out.

Laminin is a protein molecule, or a cell adhesion molecule, that tells a certain cell what it's job is in the human body.  It's known as the "glue" of the human body.  Laminin is basically holding your membranes and all in all, your body together by this molecule.

Now, here's a scientific diagram of Laminin.

Now here's a real life, electron-microscopic picture of Laminin.

The Bible says in Colossians 1:16-17 (NLT) says this:
16 for through him God created everything
in the heavenly realms and on earth.
He made the things we can see
and the things we can’t see—
such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.

Everything was created through him and for him.17 He existed before anything else,

How awesome is that??? Jesus Christ existed before anything else.  He is the one who created you in your mother's womb using your mother and father's DNA.  He is the one who created the Universe.  What a coincidence that the protein molecule that holds all your membranes together and tells them what to do is in the symbol of what connects us with God...the cross.  

Here's a statement that I just thought of that may possibly help but it may not. 

"The only thing that can keep us from Eternal Separation and Eternal Damnation from God is the cross, the Laminin of our Spiritual Lives."

Let me explain it:

See if there was no cross, then there would be no salvation.  If there was no salvation, then we would all be doomed.  

Just like in the human body...if we don't have Laminin, the cells would have no function.  If the cells had no function, the cells would die.  And if the cells would die, they wouldn't reproduce.  If the cells don't reproduce, then the body and all of our organs wouldn't stay intact.  And if the body and all of our organs don't stay intact, then there would be no life.

Think about it.  You can't live without Laminin and you can't live without Christ.

God Bless!!!

(Please comment on my blog.  If you do, make sure the content is appropriate and suitable for all ages to read because you may never know who also reads this...if you don't like it and you don't have anything nice to say, don't comment on it. Thanks!!!)